Articles - China RSS Feed
It's official: China has eliminated malaria.The World Health Organization (WHO) is now certifying China as malaria-free, after a decades-long effort that generated an estimated 30 million cases in the 1940s, including 300,000 deaths, to zer..
Traditional Chinese medicine at the service of modern medicine Tu Youyou took charge of the project in 1969 within his institute, where actors from traditional and modern medicine work together. The scientist rummages through the literature..
Mugwort with yellow flowers: its use in traditional Chinese medicineMugwort with yellow flowers (Houang-Houa Hao), Artemisia annua Linn.Yellow-flowered mugwort grows in vacant lots or along roadsides.In China, the yellow flowers of Artemisi..
Artemisia annua is a plant native to China, belonging to the Asteraceae family, the plant thrives in regions where average temperatures are high and rainfall is high. To cultivate it in conditions different from ideal, it is necessary to de..
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