Articles - Malária RSS Feed
L’Artemisia annua est utilisée en Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise depuis des millénaires mais n’a toujours pas fait l’objet de toutes les études exigées par la médecine occidentale pour pouvoir écrire qu’elle guérit.Il est toutefois bien é..
It's official: China has eliminated malaria.The World Health Organization (WHO) is now certifying China as malaria-free, after a decades-long effort that generated an estimated 30 million cases in the 1940s, including 300,000 deaths, to zer..
Artemisia annua gained prominence during the Vietnam War. Viêt-Cong, which operated in swamps and rainforests, lost more soldiers to mosquito bites (Malaria) than to American bullets. Faced with this situation, Ho Chi Min asked for help fro..
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